What makes a (wo)man
Very often, what a person is remembered for and what s/he wants to be remembered for are two very different things. It's hard to change the public's perception once it has put you into a box. You can try to argue, left or right, that you do not fit in that box - but often to no avail. Robert Nozick apparently regretted he would always be remembered for his one book, Anarchy and Utopia, disregarding his other works.
For the many people following Nadine's "Indonesia-is-a-city" brouhaha, this woman will always be remembered as the one who transcribed the interview of Ms. Indonesia (and wittily flattened it). If this is so, pity! I would rather have her be known for this or her other entries (not to mention her beautiful gallery). I don't know her personally, though apparently, she is a friend of a friend - in fact, of two friends. Personally, I think her attack of Ms. Indonesia is unfair - but only as unfair as having everyone remember (and acknowledge) her only for the attack and nothing else.
But who says that the world is a fair place?
For the many people following Nadine's "Indonesia-is-a-city" brouhaha, this woman will always be remembered as the one who transcribed the interview of Ms. Indonesia (and wittily flattened it). If this is so, pity! I would rather have her be known for this or her other entries (not to mention her beautiful gallery). I don't know her personally, though apparently, she is a friend of a friend - in fact, of two friends. Personally, I think her attack of Ms. Indonesia is unfair - but only as unfair as having everyone remember (and acknowledge) her only for the attack and nothing else.
But who says that the world is a fair place?
who says that the world is a fair place?
Sangat setuju sekali.
Memang begitulah dunia, ada yg pinter-goblok, cantik-jelek, tajir-kere, hoki-apes. Yg paling baik di lakukan munurut saya hanya menjadi orang baik/berguna bagi orang lain di apapun posisinya. Seorang petruk nggak akan pas kalo maksa jadi kresna bisa bubar malah, demikian juga sebaliknya.
Anonymous, at 7/14/2006 08:01:00 am
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